Monday, May 17, 2010
Some things about your metabolism you didn't know!
You'll learn:
Whether overweight people have a low or high metabolism
Whether overweight people have little or high amounts of lean mass
Do slower metabolisms lead to obesity? The common misconception is that individuals with a slow metabolism have a much more difficult time losing weight, hence the reason they are overweight. But what we need to realize is that our weight is a reflection of our workouts, diet and lifestyle.
So, this ultimately requires us to change our thinking from "it's not me, it's my metabolism" to "it's not my metabolism, it's me". This can be a very difficult thing to do, but once you come to this realization, you can then begin to make the necessary changes in your diet, workouts, and lifestyle that will allow you to begin seeing positive fat loss results.
Take 10 minutes to watch this video during your coffee's worth it !
Part 2:
video from
Richard Geres
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Jan - March 2010 Weight Loss Challenge: Top 50 results

3rd place goes to Kirsty Briffa, our best female transformation. See for yourself!
Great result, Kirsty!
To see more transformations, click below:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Are you THIS committed to your goals?
Watch it, it's worth the 10 minutes!
Richard Geres
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The 10 Week Weight-Loss Challenge:The results!
The majority of contestants persevered this 10-week challenge and I was very happy and thrilled to see some amazing body transformations take place. Here are some:
Please note that some of the competitors have asked not to have their pictures shown.
1. WINNER - Saviour Deguara

Weight lost: 13.6kg
Bodyfat% lost: 10%
Waist: - 7.25 inches
Hips: - 6 inches
Thighs: -2.25 inches
Chest: -1.25inches
%weight-loss: 15%
Bodyfat % loss: 10%
Total: 25
"Richard’s weight-loss challenge was definitely an amazing experience. The combination of his great tasting meal plans and exercise programme really did the trick. I was amazed how quickly my body responded to these positive lifestyle changes. With my commitment to succeed I was able to achieve these great results in just 10 weeks."
Saviour won a holiday for 2 in Cyprus, inclusive of flights and accommodation!
2. TONIO CINI (photos not displayed due to his request)
Weight lost: 14kg
Bodyfat% lost: 7.2%
Waist: - 5.5 inches
Hips: - 3.5 inches
Thighs: -2.5 inches
Chest: -5 inches
%weight-loss: 12%
Bodyfat % loss: 7.2%
Total: 19.2
3. AMANDA XUEREB (photos not displayed due to her request)
Weight lost: 13.1 kg
Bodyfat% lost: 6.5%
Waist: - 4 inches
Hips: - 6 inches
Thighs: -2.5 inches
Chest: -2 inches
%weight-loss: 12%
Bodyfat % loss: 6.5%
Total: 18.5
4. STEPHANIE BORG (photos not displayed due to her request)
Weight lost: 9kg
Bodyfat% lost: 5.3%
Waist: - 4 inches
Hips: - 3.25 inches
Thighs: -o.75 inches
Chest: -3 inches
%weight-loss: 12%
Bodyfat % loss: 5.3%
Total: 17.3
"This experience has been amazing!! I was dumbfounded at how easy it was to shed the extra weight which I had gained during the last 12 to 14 months.
I couldn't be more satisfied or amazed with my result. I am also going to keep up with the menus and exercise regime. I still cannot believe how easy it was for the weight to just melt away and I had been trying for a while to lose even 1kilo before starting your diet and exercise programme. Having reached menopause does not make it that easy to lose weight but with your diet plan which was amazingly delicious and the workouts which were relatively easy I still cannot believe that I have lost so much weight in 10 weeks and my body has started to tone itself up now as well.
I still need to workout everyday and also continue my pilates sessions as I do not want to go back to the overweight state I was in. I feel more confident about my appearance and also have no problem now when I go to buy clothes.
Now about eating healthily -- well I thought I used to eat healthily but now I can see the difference. I have totally cut back on white bread and those tempting carb products and after this experience I also feel so energetic and throughout the 10 week programme I kept strictly to the diet. My husband also had the meals with me and enjoyed them totally and has also lost some weight. "

Weight lost: 8.2kg
Bodyfat% lost: 6.8%
Waist: - 5 inches
Hips: - 3.5 inches
Thighs: -2 inches
Chest: -2.5inches
%weight-loss: 10%
Bodyfat % loss: 6.8%
Total: 16.8
"My experience with the weight-loss challenge was much better than I initially expected. The meal plans were so varied that I could always change something if I didn’t like a particular food. The meals tasted so good that I couldn’t believe it was a diet meal or a salad, which I usually hate. Also, most of the family enjoyed the recipes even though they weren’t on diet. The exercise programme wasn’t hard to follow either. It was a great way to lose weight."

Weight lost: 7.4kg
Bodyfat% lost: 6.4%
Waist: - 4.5 inches
Hips: - 4 inches
Thighs: -3 inches
%weight-loss: 10%
Bodyfat % loss: 6.4%
Total: 16.4
"After many months of failed efforts to lose weight, I can't believe I finally managed to lose over 7kg of fat in just 10 weeks with such little effort and sacrifice! I’m so confident and proud of myself for having succeeded in this superb, easy to follow challenge! Thanks Richard!"

Weight lost: 6.9kg
Bodyfat% lost: 6.1%
Waist: - 4 inches
Hips: - 2.25 inches
Thighs: -2.5 inches
%weight-loss: 10%
Bodyfat % loss: 6.1%
Total: 16.1

Weight lost: 5kg
Bodyfat% lost: 7.2%
Waist: ‐ 5 inches
Hips: ‐ 1.5 inches
Thighs: ‐1.25 inches
%weight-loss: 7%
Bodyfat % loss: 7.2%
Total: 14.2
"I was very pleasantly surprised by the challenge, which I found to be quite easy to follow. The provided recipes are quick, simple and delicious! You proved me wrong - A healthy diet isn't necessarily a boring one !! So much so that I intend to continue using the recipes, even though the challenge is over. I found it to be a very positive experience overall."
9. ALFRED ANASTASI (photos not displayed due to his request)
Weight lost: 6.6kg
Bodyfat% lost: 4.9%
Waist: - 2.5 inches
Hips: - 1.5 inches
%weight-loss: 8%
Bodyfat % loss: 4.9%
Total: 12.9
10. GRACE JACCARINI (photos not displayed due to her request)
Weight lost: 5.5kg
Bodyfat% lost: 5.1%
Waist: ‐ 2.5 inches
Hips: ‐ 3.75 inches
Thighs: ‐1 inch
Chest: -3.5 inches
%weight-loss: 7%
Bodyfat % loss: 5.1%
Total: 12.1
"Once I had taken the decision myself, after having being told that I was obese, I have to say that your method worked with me. I wasn't too sure if I could really lose weight. However, I needed to do it because of growing older and I believe that one has to consciously work at keeping healthy at this time of life in particular. I did not follow your receipes rigidly, but the shopping guide was very useful and the weekly meal suggestions were very helpful. Having the reminders and other bits of information, was another helpful push along the path. My husband benefited as well and he needed to move his belt 2 holes tighter. He's feeling happier about his body shape!"
Another competitor, Angie von Brockdorff , commented:
"I had been struggling to shed a couple of kilos,while training 5-6 times a week and eating healthily. On Richard's programme I managed in just 10 weeks what I couldn’t in the past 3 years. I cut down on my training days but intensified them, and by following the eating plan I was actually eating more than I was before, and yet losing bodyfat. I lost 5kgs, 4% bodyfat and 3.5 inches in my waist. Amazing! And it was so easy! The eating plan made it really uncomplicated.. and with a few adaptations I was feeding the whole family. I don’t need to think anymore- ‘what shall I cook today?’ .. I just go through the lovely menus and come up with a healthy delicious meal."
Now even if the scales ever climb a kilo or 2 again, I know exactly what I have to do to keep myself in line.
The next weight-loss challenge will be starting on the 17th January 2010, so if you'd like to shed some weight after the Christmas festivities, this is the perfect opportunity!
Winning prize: A holiday in Cyprus for two, inclusive of flights and accommodation!
If you're interested in joining, send me an email on and I will provide you with all the details!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Some clarifications on my last "how to shed 3kg" blog post
The answer is: No, you don't!
The instructions on how to lose 3kg in 3 weeks were targeted to the competitors of the 10-week weight loss challenge, who are at this moment battling it out for the winning prize, a holiday to a European destination. These people are competing, and I am continuously asked by them what they can do to speed up their weight loss. Well, the instructions in the last email are the answer.The extensive workload of exercising daily for 1.5-2hours was meant only for a short period of around 3 weeks (their last 3 weeks), and is certainly not a guideline for a long term weight-loss strategy.
It is not necessary to work out 2 hours daily to get in shape. I'm perfectly aware that most people don't have the time to dedicate 2 hours daily to exercise. Not even I as a fitness professional have that much available time.
The message I wanted to convey in the last email was:
- You cannot rely on your diet alone to lose weight, but exercise is a crucial component
- Dieting alone causes loss of muscle tissue, which slows down your metabolism, which will make you reach a sticking point after a few weeks.
- When dieting only to lose weight you are far more likely to regain the weight you lost initially
- Dieting alone does not get you in shape. It just makes you a smaller version of what you were before.
- A weight-training component is critical for successful long-term weight-loss
- It takes 7000kcal to burn off 1 kg of bodyfat. An hour of walking burns around 400kcal, your diet creates a caloric deficit of 400-500kcal. With these figures you can calculate roughly how long it takes to burn off 1 kg of fat.
- The Americal College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend as a minimum exercise guideline:
Do vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week And
Do eight to 10 strength-training exercises, eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise twice a week.
Richard Geres
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
How to burn 3kg of fat in just 3 weeks!
You've got just under 3 weeks left till the end of the competition. If your goal is winning or at least achieving your personal best, now is the time to put in all you've got for the final end spurt. Don't rely on your diet alone to make things happen for you, because it won't. After 7 weeks on your diet, your body will now most likely be resisting weight-loss, so you have to give it that extra push to force it to continue improving.
Here's how to lose another 3 kg of fat (leading to more than 3kg weight-loss on the scales) in these last 3 weeks:
Follow your eating plan as best as you can to continue to achieve a caloric deficit from your food intake of at least 300-400 kcal in women and 500 or more calories in men. Per week this will amount to at least 2100 - 2800 kcal for women and at least 3500kcal for men.
To achieve the caloric deficit of 7000kcal required to lose 1kg of fat, you therefore have to burn off the remaining calories with exercise.
Here's how:
4200-4900 kcal per week divided into 6 workouts of 700kcal - 800kcal.
This means 2 hours of exercise per day for 6 days per week.
Suggested exercise to do:
Option 1:
30 min circuit weight training workout as per manual plus 90 minutes of power walking 3 x per week (on alternate days) and 2 hours of power walking 3 x per week.
Option 2 (for the fitter contestants):
30 min circuit weight training workout as per manual plus 60 minutes of running 3 x per week (on alternate days) and 1 hour of running followed by 30 minutes of walking 3 x per week.
3500 kcal per week divided into 6 workouts of approx. 600kcal.
This means 1.5 hours of exercise per day for 6 days per week.
Suggested exercise to do:
Option 1:
30 min circuit weight training workout as per manual plus 60 minutes of power walking 3 x per week (on alternate days) and 1.5 hours of power walking 3 x per week.
Option 2 (for the fitter contestants):
30 min circuit weight training workout as per manual plus 45 minutes of running 3 x per week (on alternate days) and 45-60min of running 3 x per week.
Yes, I know it's a lot of exercise, but hey, that's what you have to do if you want to get the best result possible! You can't get around putting in that physical effort!
Can you commit to 3 weeks of intense training?
If you cannot commit to 1.5 - 2 hours daily, can you at least commit to 45-60min daily?
Don't settle for the all or nothing approach.
"Oh, I don't have time to train for 2hours, so I'll do nothing at all".
That's the loser's approach! Schedule your week, find your available times and reserve them for exercise. Perhaps you can do 30min in the morning and 30min in the evening. That's perfectly acceptable.
The important thing is: DO SOMETHING!!!
Next thing to do right now: Grab your diary and start scheduling workouts!
Make the most of your time! It is action, not thoughts that make the difference!
Best regards
Richard Geres
Monday, November 16, 2009
Get started now in my new Personal Training Facility at the Corinthia Hotel St. George's Bay!!
This is a private facility available exclusively to my Personal Training clients. It is not a public gym where people walk in and out at leisure. Here you will not find overcrowding at any time, nor will you find sweaty, smelly posers claiming the gym to themselves and their glory.
As a Personal Training Centre, we work differently to gyms.
All our clients attend by appointment and are supervised by myself or one of my trainers, for the entire duration of their workout. You don't join us just to do some exercise. We set realistic goals together with you and work with you to achieve these goals. Your goal is what drives us and with your cooperation we deliver the results you seek.
Since I now have a team of trainers working for me, I have a number of new training time slots available throughout the day, even at peak times (6am - 10am, 5pm - 9pm).
So if you are contemplating getting started on a training routine, I suggest you act fast , as the best time slots in the evening are taken up very quickly!
Email me or call me if you'd like to get started!
Best regards
Richard Geres
Richard Geres Personal Training
Mob: +356 99 877 445
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
You can now officially apply for the Weight-Loss Challenge!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Some more details on the upcoming weight-loss challenge!
This challenge applies to practically everyone. Couldn't you too do away with a bit of excess fat stored in those stubborn areas of your body? This challenge does not only apply to people who actually need to lose weight but also to people who are considered 'normal weight', but would like to further improve their body. That's also why I shall be participating in the challenge myself... to lower my bodyfat level, and achieve a higher level of muscular definition.
Two separate categories
To make the contest fair for everyone, I have decided to create 2 separate groups of competitors.
Anyone in need of losing more than 5kg, and after actual weight loss and inch loss .
Progress criteria: Participants will be judged by the amount of weight lost, the amount of inches lost, and the reduction in bodyfat percentage.
Anyone who is already in the 'normal' weight category, but would like to work on improving their body composition and achieve a leaner, more attractive look. The aim here would be to "look good in a swim suit".
Progress criteria: Participants will be judged on their before and after photos. This is what real transformation is about. It is not about numbers, whether bodyweight or bodyfat %. It is just about how you look, or about how much your look has changed to the better.That's what you see in the mirror, and that's what people around you see and judge you by.
I will leave it open to you which group you would like to compete in, however I suggest the following guidelines:
If your bodyfat % exceeds 20% in men or 27% in women I suggest you take part in group 1. If you fall below these levels youcan take part in group 2.
Bodyfat % levels:
Your bodyfat % will be measured by me during your first measurement on October 3/4.
Winning Prize
Are you one of those people who gets motivated by a winning prize?
Well I'm offering the winner a free holiday to a European destination!
Details on this indue course.
So, are you in?
If you're still unsure whether you should take part, think about these points for a moment:
- Do you feel that you could do with losing some weight or improving certain areas of your body?
- Are there any areas of your body you are NOT happy with?
- Are you still somewhat unsure what and how much you should eat to lose weight successfully?
- Are you stuck in your current weight even though you believe you are eating healthy?
- How good would you feel about yourself and what would it do to your self-confidence if you could fix those stubborn areas in your body that you look at every day in the mirror?
- Will you stick to the programme if you have someone to guide you on a daily basis and monitor your progress? Being accountable to someone else drastically increases your likelihood of success compared to if you try to do it alone.
- Are you fed up of 'wishing to change' and ready to actually do what it takes to make that change reality?
Well, by December15th you could be one giant step closer to achieving that change if you take part in this challenge. I'm here to offer you the possibility of being in better shape, healthier, fitter and happier with yourself in just 10 weeks. So don't procrastinate, take action!
If you have not yet read what the challenge is about, click here.
Richard Geres
PS. Know any more friends who could be interested and benefit from this challenge? Forward them this message by clicking on the envelope icon below!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Richard Geres' Fat-loss challenge 2009 - the details
Below are the details regarding the upcoming fat-loss challenge to commence in October:
Start Date: Monday 5th October 2009
End date: Sunday 13th December 2009
Duration: 10 weeks
- To help you lose the maximum amount of bodyfat in 10 weeks
- To help you improve your body shape, get fitter, more toned and healthier
- To motivate you to stay on track for the entire 10 weeks
- To teach you how to eat correctly to promote fat loss
- To provide you with delicious and weight-loss supportive recipes
- To show you how you can exercise in the gym or in your own home with minimal or no exercise equipment whatsoever and yet really get your metabolism going!
Here’s what you get if you enrol:
I will provide you with a 10-week eating plan on a day to day basis. I’ll tell you what to eat for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner and what to snack on in between to make sure you’re burning fat all day and night. I’ll make sure you don’t have to eat boring lunches or dinners and will show you that dieting does not mean your meals have to be bland and tasteless. There will be two separate eating plans for men and women, since they have different caloric requirements. You will also receive a shopping list for the coming week, so that you can purchase all your food items on time, and have the right foods available throughout the week.
I’ll provide you with a simple but effective exercise programme you can do in the gym or at home, that will help you tone up, burn calories and accelerate your fat-loss progress. You will be weighed and measured by me 3 times during the competition: At the beginning of the competition, after 5 weeks of competition and at the end of the competition. The weigh-in dates and venues will be confirmed in an upcoming email. (For competitors living abroad, I have an alternative solution). You will have a ‘Before’ and ‘After’ photo taken at the beginning and end of the competition so you can actually visualise your progress. These photos will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone. If you’d like to show your achievements after the competition I’d be happy to publish your photos on my site, but only if I have your prior written consent. We always tend to judge our weight-loss by numbers, by using the scales or the inch tape, but the true measure of progress is your appearance. You don’t go around with a board around your neck saying “I lost 10 kg”. You either look good or you don’t. Period. That’s why I want the photos.
You can expect to lose between 0.5 – 1kg per week, however I have had clients who lost up to 8 kg in just one month. Likewise I have had clients lose 4-6 inches off their waist in just one month (that’s 2-3 trouser sizes!!) even though their weight loss would not have exceeded 3-4 kg, because the weight they lost was actual body fat.
The enrolment fee of this 10 week programme amounts to €59.00 and includes the nutrition plan, the exercise plan, 3 weigh-ins and regular motivational emails I will be sending you throughout the competition.
An attractive prize awaits the winner, details of which will be revealed before the launch of the competition.
So, are you in? Here are 6 reasons why you should definitely take part in this competition:
- You’re not 100% sure how to eat correctly to lose weight
- You run out of ideas on what to eat after a few days of dieting
- You’ve got the last few stubborn kilos to shed
- You think you’re eating carefully, but your weight is just not budging
- You’re not sure or confused about how many carbs, how much protein and how much fat to eat each day
- You need additional motivation to stay on track
I look forward to having you as one of the competitors and seeing you get some amazing results over the next 3 months!
In a few days I will update you as to how to enrol for the challenge. So make sure you are signed up to my newsletter! If you're not signed up yet go to the top right corner of this page and enter your name and email address...very simple!
Yours in fitness
Richard Geres
PS: Know any more people who could benefit from this competiton? Forward them this article by clicking on the envelope icon below!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I challenge you to lose bodyfat with me!
As of the beginning of October I’m going on a fat loss programme!
Yeah, you might think “he doesn’t need to lose any weight!” And you’re right, I don’t. Actually weight loss is not what I’m after at all. What I AM after is lowering my bodyfat %, leaning out and getting in top shape by December. You see, whenever you want to trim off some excess fat, your primary goal should be fat loss. Weight loss on the scales should be a consequence of that. But more on that later.
This got me thinking: How about you join me in my quest, and follow the same guidelines I apply for myself?
So, dear reader, I challenge you to get yourself in the best shape ever!

The last time I challenged myself to this, I got great results. See for yourself the photo on the right!
Here’s what I’m proposing to do to give myself and you the best possible fat loss programme:
For the duration of 10 weeks, I will draw up a weekly eating plan, based on a day to day basis, for the entire forthcoming week. This will include a variety of breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners. And when you see the great recipes I will be suggesting, you will see once and for all that diet food does not have to be boring and can taste great! And because I also realise that you’re a busy person, I’ll make sure that all meals can be prepared easily and quickly!
Obviously men and women need different calorie intakes, therefore I shall be preparing a separate eating plan for men and for women.
You see, probably the most important success factor when trying to lose fat is that you must plan ahead and be prepared for the coming day. You must know what you are going to eat the next day for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner, and you must have the appropriate foods available at the right time to make your diet work. Last minute improvisation always leads to failure, I can guarantee that. My plan will tell you what to eat, and how much to eat. Both quality and quantity count, for any food, regardless of how healthy they may be!
I will provide you with weekly exercise guidelines that you can do either at home or in the gym. You won’t need much equipment, if any at all! You can use your own body weight to provide the resistance needed to get an effective workout! And if you happen to have some dumbbells or elastic bands, all the better!
I can assure you this programme can get you in seriously good shape! So if you’re after trimming off some excess fat and want to lose weight, this is your opportunity to get going! As with everything in life, it's nice to wish for something, but only concrete action will get you the results!
So, are you interested? Drop me an email or comment below if you’d like to take part. I will then follow up with what you have to do to participate.
Also, forward this email to all your friends and other people you know who could benefit from this programme. (use the envelope icon below)
Let’s get the biggest ever fat loss challenge going! MAKE SURE YOU'RE PART OF IT!
Yours in fitness
Richard Geres
PS: To make sure you receive all updates about this challenge go to my Homepage and sign up to my newsletter now! You're risking losing out on important information if you don't!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Studies re benefits of high intensity exercise for over 40s
A short important note today...
Have a look at this... see how the media is supposedly making up stories about how exercise may have been related to Michael Jackson's death.
Check out this quick video that Fitness Expert Jon Benson made about this controversy...and make sure to watch through the entire video (it's short), because some important studies are shown mid way through:
Here's the link to
Feel free to pass this email onto your friends if you find it interesting.
Best regards
Richard Geres
Want valuable, yet FREE fitness advice?
Visit my WEBSITE HOMEPAGE and sign up to receive my regular, FREE FITNESS TOOLS!
Feel free to pass this email onto your friends if you find it interesting.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Are you eating fats that could kill you?
You've probably heard of unsaturated and saturated fats, and the fact that unsaturated fats are healthier for your body than saturated ones. What you might not be aware of are so called "trans fats" which are man-made, chemically altered fats found in baked and fried foods, that are a very serious health hazard to your body.
I really recommend you invest five minutes in your health to read this excellent article by Tom Venuto about the dangers of trans fats. It could save your life!
Click here to read Tom Venuto's article:
Richard Geres
Sunday, May 10, 2009
8 Station Home Workout
If you don't seem to find the time to join a gym or schedule regular times for your workouts, here is a simple, yet effective workout you can do in the comfort of your own home whenever you have at least 15 minutes of spare time.
With these 8 simple movements you will be doing a full body workout, and exercising practically all the major muscle groups. Plus, on top of that, you will get a great cardiovascular workout too, and you will definitely feel you heart rate increasing as you go through the circuit. As your heart rate increases, so will your metabolic rate, which means you will be burning more calories per minute.
Now if there is any particular exercise you cannot do, just leave it out and work with the remaining ones. Start off with one round of these exercises and try to do them with as little rest between movements as possible. If you do get out of breath, just stop until you recover, and then continue.
Also remember, if you haven’t exercised in a while, make sure to consult your doctor before starting an exercise programme!
Here it is:
Below is a list of the 8 exercises shown and your target amount of repetitions to perform:
(The video shows only 5-6 repetitions per exercise to keep the video short)
- Squat: 15-30 reps
- Jumping jacks: 30-100 reps
- Push-ups on knees or full push-ups: 10-20 reps
- Lunges: 10-15 reps on each leg
- Crawl into sun salutation: 4-12 reps
- Tricep dips (against a bed or step): 10-20
- Abdominal crunch: 20-50
- Bird dog: 15-20 per side
If you perform 3 workouts of this sort per week, ideally on alternate days, you are definitely on the road to improved fitness!
Let me know what you think and post your comments!
Richard Geres
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Racing a pizza on a treadmill... and getting left behind!
I'm sure you are familiar with the common perception that if you have had excessive food or drink one evening you comfort yourself by saying to yourself "Tomorrow I'll do a workout" and make up for it. Well the video below showing personal trainer Craig Ballantine racing against a pizza will show you that it's not that simple:
Now I’m going to give you an example of how easy it is to gain 1kg of fat and how hard it is to take it off.
The moral of the story is: You cannot outtrain a bad diet. Eat and drink in moderation and you will not have to take drastic measures to rectify your diet slip-ups.
How to gain 1kg of fat in 3days:
Remember: the energy value of 1 kg of fat is approx. 7000kcal. Therefore, to gain 1kg of fat you must overeat by 7000kcal. Here is how you can do that in 3 days:
Example: A woman with a metabolic rate of 2000kcal (an average amount)
Daily food intake during vacation or “extended weekend”:
Breakfast: Coffee with 2 sugars - 80kcal
Orange juice - 80kcal
2 sliced toast with jam - 220kcal
4 biscuits - 200kcal
Total: 580kcal
Lunch: 1 beef burger - 400kcal
1 portion french fries - 250kcal
1/2l (1pint) Coke - 200kcal
1 ice cream - 250kcal
Total: 1100kcal
(Alternatively, 150g of pasta with meat sauce is over 800kcal)
Afternoon snack: 1 cappuccino with 1 sugar - 70kcal
1 slice cake - 250kcal
Total: 320kcal
Dinner: 2 slices bread & butter - 220kcal
1 pizza - 1000kcal +
3 glasses wine - 210kcal
Total: 1430kcal
Social drinks: 5 Vodka Orange - 1000kcal
(or 6 Jack Coke)
DAY Grand total: 4430kcal
Energy values are approximations
Daily excess calories: 2430 kcal (4430 - 2000)
3 day excess calories:7260 kcal = 1kg of excess fat!
Note: This is a generalisation, and some individuals may react better or worse to the above example than others. However it gives you a pretty good idea how the extra kilos may creep on in a short amount of time.
Now here’s how to burn off 1 kg of fat:
Breakfast: 30 g oats - 120kcal
200ml skim milk - 100kcal
Snack: 1 yoghurt - 120kcal
1 apple - 80kcal
Lunch: 1 tuna salad - 400kcal
Snack: 30g nuts / 1 pear - 200kcal
Dinner: 250g fish - 300kcal
60g brown rice - 220kcal
Mixed vegetables - 30kcal
Day Grand Total: 1570kcal
Energy values are approximations
Daily energy deficit from diet: 430kcal (2000-1570)
Workout: ½ hour power walk: 250kcal
Total energy deficit/day: 680kcal
Assuming that you eat THIS WELL every day and EXERCISE every day for at least 30minutes, it will take you between 7-10 days to burn off 1kg of excess bodyfat. If you exercise less, it takes longer. If you eat less, you will lower your metabolism over time and are very likely to gain it all back again very quickly.
1kg: Easily gained in 3 days; lost through consistent hard work in 7-10 days.
I repeat the moral of the story: You cannot outtrain a bad diet. Eat and drink in moderation and you will not have to take drastic measures to rectify your diet slip-ups. It’s hard work!
One important point I would like to make: 1kg of weight change is not equal to 1kg of fat-loss!!!
Weight change on the scales in the short term is often a result of fluctuations of water weight and does not really reflect whether you are indeed burning fat, or rather losing real, quality weight.
Real indicators for fat loss are inch-loss, bodyfat % measurements and the way your clothes fit you.
Therefore do not get too obsessed with the weighing scales!
Yours in fitness
Richard Geres
By the way, I'd be happy to have your comments on this topic!