Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You can now officially apply for the Weight-Loss Challenge!

Dear Reader,

The application form for the Autumn 2009 Weight-Loss Challenge is now online!
Click the link below to access the application form and enter your details right away to reserve your place!

Judging from the large amount of enquiries received, there seem to be more interested people than I can handle, therefore I may have to close the application process at one point. So if you are determined to make some serious improvements to your body over the coming 10 weeks, make sure to enrol right away and avoid the risk of being left out!

You can literally enrol in a few seconds, there are only a few fields to fill out.
There is NO payment to be made now!

And to make sure you really know what the challenge is all about, I have listed a detailed description on the application page. Make sure you read it before enrolling.

Go to the enrolment form now, and sign up!

I look forward to having you on my challenge!

Best regards
Richard Geres

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some more details on the upcoming weight-loss challenge!

I am very excited about the huge response I have received with regards to the upcoming weight-loss challenge in October, and this time I will definitely have way more participants than I have ever had in any of my past weight-loss challenges!

This challenge applies to practically everyone. Couldn't you too do away with a bit of excess fat stored in those stubborn areas of your body? This challenge does not only apply to people who actually need to lose weight but also to people who are considered 'normal weight', but would like to further improve their body. That's also why I shall be participating in the challenge myself... to lower my bodyfat level, and achieve a higher level of muscular definition.

Two separate categories

To make the contest fair for everyone, I have decided to create 2 separate groups of competitors.


Anyone in need of losing more than 5kg, and after actual weight loss and inch loss .

Progress criteria: Participants will be judged by the amount of weight lost, the amount of inches lost, and the reduction in bodyfat percentage.


Anyone who is already in the 'normal' weight category, but would like to work on improving their body composition and achieve a leaner, more attractive look. The aim here would be to "look good in a swim suit".

Progress criteria: Participants will be judged on their before and after photos. This is what real transformation is about. It is not about numbers, whether bodyweight or bodyfat %. It is just about how you look, or about how much your look has changed to the better.That's what you see in the mirror, and that's what people around you see and judge you by.

I will leave it open to you which group you would like to compete in, however I suggest the following guidelines:

If your bodyfat % exceeds 20% in men or 27% in women I suggest you take part in group 1. If you fall below these levels youcan take part in group 2.

These are the bodyfat categories for men and women:

Bodyfat % levels

Essential Fat: Men: 2 - 5% Women: 10-13%
Athletes Men: 6- 13% Women:14- 20%
Fitness Men:14- 17% Women:21 - 24%
Average Men:18- 24% Women:25 - 31%
Overweight Men:over 25% Women:over32%
Source: ACE (American Council on Exercise)

Your bodyfat % will be measured by me during your first measurement on October 3/4.

Winning Prize

Are you one of those people who gets motivated by a winning prize?

Well I'm offering the winner a free holiday to a European destination!

Details on this indue course.

So, are you in?

If you're still unsure whether you should take part, think about these points for a moment:

  • Do you feel that you could do with losing some weight or improving certain areas of your body?
  • Are there any areas of your body you are NOT happy with?
  • Are you still somewhat unsure what and how much you should eat to lose weight successfully?
  • Are you stuck in your current weight even though you believe you are eating healthy?
  • How good would you feel about yourself and what would it do to your self-confidence if you could fix those stubborn areas in your body that you look at every day in the mirror?
  • Will you stick to the programme if you have someone to guide you on a daily basis and monitor your progress? Being accountable to someone else drastically increases your likelihood of success compared to if you try to do it alone.
  • Are you fed up of 'wishing to change' and ready to actually do what it takes to make that change reality?

Well, by December15th you could be one giant step closer to achieving that change if you take part in this challenge. I'm here to offer you the possibility of being in better shape, healthier, fitter and happier with yourself in just 10 weeks. So don't procrastinate, take action!

Next week I will let you know how to apply. Stay tuned!

If you have not yet read what the challenge is about, click here.

Richard Geres

PS. Know any more friends who could be interested and benefit from this challenge? Forward them this message by clicking on the envelope icon below!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Richard Geres' Fat-loss challenge 2009 - the details

Here it goes!

Below are the details regarding the upcoming fat-loss challenge to commence in October:

Start Date: Monday 5th October 2009
End date: Sunday 13th December 2009
Duration: 10 weeks

  • To help you lose the maximum amount of bodyfat in 10 weeks
  • To help you improve your body shape, get fitter, more toned and healthier
  • To motivate you to stay on track for the entire 10 weeks
  • To teach you how to eat correctly to promote fat loss
  • To provide you with delicious and weight-loss supportive recipes
  • To show you how you can exercise in the gym or in your own home with minimal or no exercise equipment whatsoever and yet really get your metabolism going!

Here’s what you get if you enrol:
I will provide you with a 10-week eating plan on a day to day basis. I’ll tell you what to eat for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner and what to snack on in between to make sure you’re burning fat all day and night. I’ll make sure you don’t have to eat boring lunches or dinners and will show you that dieting does not mean your meals have to be bland and tasteless. There will be two separate eating plans for men and women, since they have different caloric requirements. You will also receive a shopping list for the coming week, so that you can purchase all your food items on time, and have the right foods available throughout the week.

I’ll provide you with a simple but effective exercise programme you can do in the gym or at home, that will help you tone up, burn calories and accelerate your fat-loss progress. You will be weighed and measured by me 3 times during the competition: At the beginning of the competition, after 5 weeks of competition and at the end of the competition. The weigh-in dates and venues will be confirmed in an upcoming email. (For competitors living abroad, I have an alternative solution). You will have a ‘Before’ and ‘After’ photo taken at the beginning and end of the competition so you can actually visualise your progress. These photos will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone. If you’d like to show your achievements after the competition I’d be happy to publish your photos on my site, but only if I have your prior written consent. We always tend to judge our weight-loss by numbers, by using the scales or the inch tape, but the true measure of progress is your appearance. You don’t go around with a board around your neck saying “I lost 10 kg”. You either look good or you don’t. Period. That’s why I want the photos.

You can expect to lose between 0.5 – 1kg per week, however I have had clients who lost up to 8 kg in just one month. Likewise I have had clients lose 4-6 inches off their waist in just one month (that’s 2-3 trouser sizes!!) even though their weight loss would not have exceeded 3-4 kg, because the weight they lost was actual body fat.

The enrolment fee of this 10 week programme amounts to €59.00 and includes the nutrition plan, the exercise plan, 3 weigh-ins and regular motivational emails I will be sending you throughout the competition.

An attractive prize awaits the winner, details of which will be revealed before the launch of the competition.

So, are you in? Here are 6 reasons why you should definitely take part in this competition:
  1. You’re not 100% sure how to eat correctly to lose weight
  2. You run out of ideas on what to eat after a few days of dieting
  3. You’ve got the last few stubborn kilos to shed
  4. You think you’re eating carefully, but your weight is just not budging
  5. You’re not sure or confused about how many carbs, how much protein and how much fat to eat each day
  6. You need additional motivation to stay on track
Let me know if you have any further questions.

I look forward to having you as one of the competitors and seeing you get some amazing results over the next 3 months!

In a few days I will update you as to how to enrol for the challenge. So make sure you are signed up to my newsletter! If you're not signed up yet go to the top right corner of this page and enter your name and email address...very simple!

Yours in fitness

Richard Geres

PS: Know any more people who could benefit from this competiton? Forward them this article by clicking on the envelope icon below!