Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to burn 3kg of fat in just 3 weeks!

This is a message I sent to my 10-Week Weight-Loss Challenge competitors in Week 7.

You've got just under 3 weeks left till the end of the competition. If your goal is winning or at least achieving your personal best, now is the time to put in all you've got for the final end spurt. Don't rely on your diet alone to make things happen for you, because it won't. After 7 weeks on your diet, your body will now most likely be resisting weight-loss, so you have to give it that extra push to force it to continue improving.

Here's how to lose another 3 kg of fat (leading to more than 3kg weight-loss on the scales) in these last 3 weeks:

Follow your eating plan as best as you can to continue to achieve a caloric deficit from your food intake of at least 300-400 kcal in women and 500 or more calories in men. Per week this will amount to at least 2100 - 2800 kcal for women and at least 3500kcal for men.

To achieve the caloric deficit of 7000kcal required to lose 1kg of fat, you therefore have to burn off the remaining calories with exercise.

Here's how:


4200-4900 kcal per week divided into 6 workouts of 700kcal - 800kcal.
This means 2 hours of exercise per day for 6 days per week.

Suggested exercise to do:

Option 1:
30 min circuit weight training workout as per manual plus 90 minutes of power walking 3 x per week (on alternate days) and 2 hours of power walking 3 x per week.

Option 2 (for the fitter contestants):
30 min circuit weight training workout as per manual plus 60 minutes of running 3 x per week (on alternate days) and 1 hour of running followed by 30 minutes of walking 3 x per week.


3500 kcal per week divided into 6 workouts of approx. 600kcal.
This means 1.5 hours of exercise per day for 6 days per week.

Suggested exercise to do:

Option 1:
30 min circuit weight training workout as per manual plus 60 minutes of power walking 3 x per week (on alternate days) and 1.5 hours of power walking 3 x per week.

Option 2 (for the fitter contestants):
30 min circuit weight training workout as per manual plus 45 minutes of running 3 x per week (on alternate days) and 45-60min of running 3 x per week.

Yes, I know it's a lot of exercise, but hey, that's what you have to do if you want to get the best result possible! You can't get around putting in that physical effort!

Can you commit to 3 weeks of intense training?
If you cannot commit to 1.5 - 2 hours daily, can you at least commit to 45-60min daily?
Don't settle for the all or nothing approach.
"Oh, I don't have time to train for 2hours, so I'll do nothing at all".
That's the loser's approach! Schedule your week, find your available times and reserve them for exercise. Perhaps you can do 30min in the morning and 30min in the evening. That's perfectly acceptable.

The important thing is: DO SOMETHING!!!

Next thing to do right now: Grab your diary and start scheduling workouts!
Make the most of your time! It is action, not thoughts that make the difference!

Best regards

Richard Geres

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Thank you a lot for this informaiton. You really helped me! Good Job!


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